Introducing Virtual Events to Your Clients and Tips for a Better Event Experience
Many of your clients may be hesitant to make the leap to from brick and mortar events to the digital realm. Some might be intimidated by the production technology, while others don’t think their donors will login to a virtual event, still others face additional challenges. While it is natural to proceed with caution when entering new fields, the fact is virtual events have come to stay and can be a great tool for fundraising.
As COVID-19 continues to affect our daily lives, many foundations have moved their operations online. This requires us to take up the task of leveraging the online community to continue to with our impactful work. On the bright side of things, virtual events bring a whole new set of unbound by some of the limits which traditionally plague brink and mortar events. No venue rentals, no catering costs, smaller staff size and more add up to a much lower overhead investment while a digital interface gives you the ability to reach new customers unbound by physical location. Paybee offers a complete virtual fundraising experience to help ease the transition for your clients into virtual events.
Speak Positively and Confidently
When speaking to doubtful clients who might be intimidated by new technology, all you are doing may be new to them, hence the need to be bold, speak confidently and positively during about the virtual event process and get them excited so that they want to try things out for themselves. Instill confidence in them with your actions and directions.
Use Data to Convince the Clients
Data is powerful; it fills in opinion. Be sure to provide relevant data about recent virtual events, what they stand to benefit, and proofs of similar event types you've engaged with in the past. Data can also be a source of guidance, and it gets them excited about what a virtual event can have in-store for their foundation.
Pick and Event Date and Stick to it
Postponing will bring uncertainty in the client's mind; likewise, the postponement will come with its burden and may likely compete with the client's other activities, and it equally affects immediate fundraising. Instead pick a date and move forward, once the vent is over and your client has been through the process for themselves, anxieties over future events tend to be relieved.
Set the Stage for an Interactive Experience
Share a pre-event plan via Google Docs and get people to answer questions or add feedback for discussion. Give handouts or slideshows. This will encourage user participation and leads to a better overall experience for everyone involved.
Sustain the Interest of the Clients
It is simpler to keep your viewers in the same room as your host while they're in. But with a virtual event, if the event doesn't keep them engaged, they may start to zone-out or worse yet, log off the event. So, keep your schedule tight, coordinate with lots of entertainment, and keep the action going. Avoid long periods of full screen videos as this tends to feel like a commercial to the viewer and takes away from the fun of their interactive virtual event environment.
Themed Events With Care Packages
If your clients are used to themed events such as wine tasting you can still achieve this with a virtual fundraiser by sending a care package through mail to your event participants ahead of time. Having a tangible item to go along with their virtual event may go a long way to motivate your donors to participate in the event. A bottle of rosé and various cheeses and snacks from a local culinary store will do are some great ideas to try.
Offer VIP Treatment
Let's face it: A substantial proportion of in-person meetings have little to do with the utility of sitting nearby physically than with the act of paying respect. Make an effort to entertain clients remotely and show high regard for clients. You can arrange private Zoom calls with celebrities and host private lessons for other VIP clients.
Start Fundraising