Silent Auction Software Solution

Create your own silent auctions using Paybee's auto generated silent auction landing pages and bidding sheets, each with with their own unique and shareable URL

Silent Auction Software

Auto Generated Auction Pages

A unique URL and landing page is automatically generated for each of your auction pages.

Automatic Bidding Sheets

Enter your items into thePayBee system and instantly access printable bid sheets for each of your auction items.

Live Auction Item Notifications

Your donors are updated live on their auction item status via email as well as SMS

Launch Your Auction in Minutes

Get setup in minutes and setup a silent auction today! Easy shopping cart checkout for guests.

Upload Your Auction Items

Bulk upload your auction items and set specific properties for each item such as min bid amount and custom bid increments.

nonprofit silent auction fundraising

Configure Auction Settings

Customize auction settings such as auction start/stop times, required donor checkout settings, email settings, promotion options and more!

silent auction software

Share Your Auction Page

Easy social sharing links and automatic email invitations make sharing your auctions and auction items simple. Auction item bids can be placed through an online interface.

Silent Auction Features

Buy it now pricing, bulk item uploads, campaign specific reporting, customizable bid increments, SMS notifications and more.

nonprofit silent auction fundraising

Powerful Features to Supercharge Your Silent Auction

Silent auction software which includes the most powerful features from

Mobile Silent Auction Bidding

Guests have the ability to bid on your silent auction items from anywhere with PayBee's best in class mobile bidding features. Functioning in real time for both on-site and online guests. Text and email updates for auction items are sent to bidders for relevant silent auction alerts such as being outbid by another bidder and auction ending times.


Silent Auction Software
QR Code Silent Auction Bid Sheets

Auto-Generated Silent Auction Sheets

Take the tedious work out of your auction as the Paybee system auto-generates bid
sheets for each of your auction items. These bid sheets can be generated in traditional written bid format or in QR code format allowing for digital bidding on auction items. Simply upload your auction items into PayBee and our software will prepare print ready auction item files.


Mobile Payment Processing at Your Event

Mobile credit card readers are available which link to the PayBee mobile application. Allowing you to check your guests out with a simple credit card swipe. Other checkout options are also available such as mobile web checkout as well as cash, check and bank transfer payment methods. Using this credit card reader method you can checkout more than just silent auction items, you can also process any other type of donation setup on your PayBee account.


payment processing for nonprofit events
Silent Auction Bid Sheets

High Bid Leaderboard

The Paybee system creates a live feed of your current high bidders to each silent auction item. This leaderboard can be checked at all times during the auction to keep all your guests up to date with the event's activity. In addition, bidders may place their next bid directly from their mobile device without ever having to return to an auction table.


In-Depth Reporting

We’ll keep track of your donors and your event financials. Enjoy our robust backend reporting system showing a breakdown of all donations and attendees. Additionally, our system automatically follows up with your guests who still have outstanding donation pledges left over from your event.


virtual fundraising reports

Real Time Auction Updates and Messaging

PayBee gives you the ability to send out real time messages to your auction participants. By way of both SMS and email you can contact your silent auction bidders at any time of your choosing. The PayBee platform provides automatic messages regarding auction closing times as well as post auction checkout links, which you can use for collecting payment on winning bidding for auction items.

Live Auction Monitoring and Management

Keep track and manage all your silent auction bidding in real time. See your silent auction high bidders, add or delete bids and send messages to your bidders from a simple single screen silent auction management page. Keyword search also allows you to quickly navigate to any of your silent auction items or find other auction details.


Bulk Upload Auction Items

Save time by bulk uploading all of your silent auction items at once. Simply fill out a pre-made spreadsheet template and your auction will be ready in minutes. Customizable fields include silent auction item name, description, photos, videos, quantity, starting bid, bidding increments and more!

How Software Can Enhance Your Silent Auction Fundraising

Streamline your silent auction using Paybee's silent auction software. Once your Items are uploaded into the PayBee platform most of the work is already done for you.

Bid From Anywhere on Any Smart Device

Donors can partake in the bidding from anywhere with an internet connection as Paybee's silent auction software has completely eliminated the need for bidders to be present in the same venue as your auction items. Bidding can take place from an online dedicated landing page, an sms or email link or by QR code scan on a printed bid sheet.

Create Account

Live Auction Tracking and Management

Track your bidders live from your auction management page as well as your bidding leaderboard. Make changes as you go with the ability to add and delete bids as well as send alerts to your bidders in real time. You have complete control over your auction with the ability to pause or end bidding at anytime. Pre-scheduled options are also available allowing you to specify auction ending dates and times.

Create Account

Streamlined Auction Checkout and Reports

Winning bidders can pay for their items from anywhere. Each winning bidder will receive a payment link for checkout by email and SMS upon winning their item, they simply need to click through on the link and can pay via credit card or smart pay from their own device. Additionally, event volunteers using the PayBee mobile application can accept bids and payments from winning bidders via credit card swipe, cash, check or bank account transfer.

Create Account
Silent Auction Formats

Mobile Bidding

The Future of Silent Auction Bidding is Here with Mobile Bidding. Bid from Anywhere with Any Smart Device

Mobile Bid Sheets

Mobile bid sheets differ from bid sheets you might be used to seeing at silent auctions by way of operating by QR code scan combined with an online bidding interface. This means your donors will never need a pen or paper and can make all their bids digitally. These mobile bid sheets are auto generated through the PayBee platform based on the auction items you input to PayBee. Unique QR codes are autogenerated for each auction item.

What is Mobile Bidding?

Mobile bidding gives your donors the ability to bid on your silent auction items from any internet connected device. In addition, donors will never have to return to the auction table as they can continue to bid from their smart device wherever they have data connectivity.


Manual Bidding

The Best of the Past with Silent Auctions and a Little More to Offer

Manual Bid Sheets

Our manual bid sheets are similar to the bid sheets you may be used to seeing at traditional silent auction events, simply write in your name, contact info and bid amount on the bidding sheet and continue to bid until an item winner is declared. PayBee's manual bid sheets can also work in conjunction with the PayBee mobile to send information back into our automated software, giving you the ability to control how much technology you and your donors are comfortable with at the event. Manual Bid sheets can be auto generated or a blank template can also be used.

What is Manual Bidding?

Manual Bidding allows for bids to be placed by writing them down on a physical bid sheet. Essential fields included are contact information such as name and email or bid paddle number and bid amount. This type of silent auction bidding might be most comfortable with older and more traditional crowds who are less comfortable using mobile devices.


Powerful features to supercharge your silent auction and other fundraising event features

Automatic confirmation emails to donors contain auto generated donor tax receipts and custom messaging to your donors. Comprehensive post event reporting features include all your foundation's reporting requirements.

Nonprofit Fundraising Platform

Custom Bid Increments

Fully customizable bid increments as well as minimum and maximum bid amounts on all your auctions and auction items.

Nonprofit Fundraising Platform


Set buy-it-now options on any of your auction items. Buy-it-now options can also run in conjunction with a traditional bidding system.

Nonprofit Fundraising Platform

Bulk Upload Auction Items

Upload your auction items in bulk using CSV spreadsheets. Auction item names, descriptions and images can be included as well.

Nonprofit Fundraising Platform

SMS and Email Notifications

All donors are notified via SMS and email as part of all their bidding activity. Bids and follow up bids on auction items can also be placed via application.

Nonprofit Fundraising PlatformNonprofit Fundraising Platform

Full Campaign Reports

Full bid reporting for all of your auction items available at all times through the silent auction reporting page. Monitor all aspects of your auction, add and subtract bids and view winning bidders.

Nonprofit Fundraising PlatformNonprofit Fundraising Platform

Easy Donor Checkout

All major credit cards accepted. All bids on auction items as well as other donations are updated in real time into a familiar online shopping cart interface. From this interface you can easily checkout with credit card, smart pay or bank account transfer.

How to Get Started With Paybee

Nonprofit Fundraising Platform

Gather Your Charity Information

Basic information will need to be gathered about your charity such as an email address, bank account & routing number, tax ID and authorized representative information.

Create Account
Nonprofit Fundraising Platform

Create a Paybee Account

Click the create account button below and enter the information collected in step 1and your account creation can be completed in minutes.

Create Account
Nonprofit Fundraising Platform

Paybee Onboarding Call

A Paybee representative will contact you to setup an onboarding session. After this call you'll be all set to start collecting donations for your foundation.

Create Account

Hire a Paybee Partner

Find a Paybee-endorsed partner to help with your next event. Partner expertise includes event production, event setup, consignment auction items, live-streaming and more. Browse our experts based on what you need and reach out to start a conversation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’ve answers. If you can’t find what we are looking for, feel free to get in touch.

Don’t just take our word for it!

Hundreds of non-profit professionals have already hosted their charity events with Paybee.

Paybee Non-Profit Fundraising Platform Reviews
Bear Yuba Land Trust
Nonprofit Fundraising Platform

"We are recommending Paybee to all our colleagues interested in pursuing virtual options”

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Auction Software Revolutionizing the Bidding Experience

PayBee does the work for you by combining the best elements from both online auctions and in-person auctions to make an auction platform for any occasion. Bid on items from anywhere at any time and receive real time email and SMS notifications about your auction item.

Mobile and Traditional Bidding

Bulk upload your items and set specific properties for each item such as min bid amount and custom bid increments.

nonprofit silent auction fundraising

Configure Auction Settings

Customize auction settings such as auction start/stop times, required donor checkout settings, email settings, promotion options and more!

silent auction software

Real Time SMS and Email Auction Updates

Easy social sharing links and automatic email invitations make sharing your auctions simple.