Whether you're hosting your event Virtually, In-Person, Hybrid or just thinking of hosting an online auction.
PayBee has everything you need for your galas and auctions.
Simple for non-profits, easy for donors. Let us show you how!
Join us for a live demonstration. Experience the platform just as your donors would in a live event.
Learn about Virtual, Hybrid and In-person event best practices.
Our trusted staff is always here to help. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our team directly with any questions or concerns and we'll get back to you shortly.
Catch a quick glimpse at some of the features you'll get to experience hands-on during one of our Paybee Demos.
Paybee's easy to use virtual event interface makes bidding simple. Donors only need to click the large green bid/donate/pledge button on the screen and then confirm their donation amount.
Toggle on/off full screen video mode so your donors can focus on video content for certain portions of your event. One click transition from Paybee's backend event controller.
Easy shopping cart checkout for any item, including tickets, donations, raffle purchases, auction items or any other transactions from your event, added to a single cart. Pay directly through a device of your choice upon checkout. All major credit cards are accepted as well as, Apple Pay and ACH.
Enjoy live auctions with a live video stream to go along with live bidding from your virtual event dashboard.
Enjoy our FREE Nonprofit's guide to virtual fundraising by submitting your information to the form below.
Virtual & Hybrid fundraising for nonprofits has begun to take center stage. Find out what it takes to host your own virtual fundraising event.
Enjoy our FREE Nonprofit's guide to virtual fundraising by submitting your information to the form below.
Find out what the revolutionary Paybee Fundraising System can do for your charity and the best recommendations to host your own in-person fundraising event.