
Creative and Effective Football Fundraising Ideas 

Creative and Effective Football Fundraising Ideas 

When fall rolls around and the air gets a little crisp, people have two things in mind: pumpkin spice lattes and football. Football brings communities together more than any other sport. Maybe it’s the weather, the atmosphere, or the concession stand treats, but even non-sports enthusiasts don’t mind the occasional Friday night game.

What these spectators don’t see behind the bright stadium lights and well-dressed players is a mountain of financial needs. Uniforms, travel expenses, equipment, and even electricity for those stadium lights and scoreboards cost a lot of money, and local football teams don’t have the financial backing that college and NFL teams do. That means it’s up to the players and community to raise the funds to keep the games going.

If you have a football team in need of financial funding, you’ve come to the right place. Since the conception of football, team members have turned to fundraising to obtain the money they need to play. It’s simpler than you probably think, and we’re going to tell you everything you need to know to raise all the money you need in this article.

Traditional Fundraising Ideas for Your Football Team

When you think of fundraising, your mind might go to GoFundMe campaigns and wrapping paper sales. While those are effective options, some tried and true fundraising options have been serving football teams for decades with little to no hassle.

Small-scale fundraising may not seem powerful enough to raise enough money for your team’s needs, but consider this: not everyone can afford a $75 wrapping paper order, but most people can spare five or ten dollars. When you offer a low-cost good or service, more people can contribute and you can host several campaigns without the community growing weary of your efforts. You’ll be surprised how quickly traditional fundraising will meet your budgeting needs.

Here are a few of our favorite traditional fundraising ideas:

Bake sales. Bale sales have been serving teams, clubs, and churches for decades. Why? Because they are simple and require just a few dollars to run! Bake sales are also a great way to involve the entire community.

First, decide where and when to host your bake sale. This is a great campaign to run alongside another event, like a football game or car wash (more on that later). You can even plan on hosting a few bake sales throughout the season. People never tire of fresh baked goods.

After you pick a time and place, the fun part begins. That’s right, it’s time to bake! Start by recruiting the families of your football team members. Chances are you have quite a few avid bakers at your disposal. Then reach out to your local booster club for baked goods. If you still need more contributors, visit your local bakeries for donations. Involving local businesses allows them to support your team while drumming up some new patrons!

Car wash. We’ve all driven past a local team or group raising money by washing cars in the school parking lot. It requires a little more hands-on participation from the team, but it’s a perfect opportunity for team bonding and community service.

First, pick a time and location for your car wash. The school parking lot is a convenient option for most car washes, and as long as you host it on a weekend or summer day, you won’t encounter any competing traffic. Then, advertise! Put the word out on social media, post fliers in local businesses, and nominate a couple of team members to stand roadside with a flashy poster board sign.

Before you stock up on soap and brushes, talk to your local automotive store about donating the materials you need for the car wash. Offer to put out signs naming the store as your host. You could host your car wash for free and help a local business attract new patrons. This is also a great time to host a bake sale for extra revenue.

Community events. Bake sales and car washes can be run with little to no upfront money, making them perfect for teams on a tight budget. However, if you have some extra revenue and the right sponsors, a community event can bring in even more money and draw the community together for a good time. Consider something simple like a movie night, a craft show featuring local crafters, or a barbecue chicken night. These options will require a bit more planning, but could easily solve your budget needs in one night.

Raffles and auctions. Raffles and auctions, like bake sales, are simple and proven fundraising techniques you can add alongside a larger event. You first need a quality good or service to offer your supporters for raffles and auctions. Don’t worry about purchasing anything just yet. Local businesses are often willing to donate sporting goods, beauty products, gift cards, and even weekend getaways to a good cause like your local football team. Once you have something enticing, all you have to do is sell raffle tickets or organize an auction at the car wash or community event.

Creative Football Fundraiser Ideas: Football Trivia, Costume Events and More!

If you want a campaign with a little more excitement, don’t worry. There are plenty of innovative ways to raise money for your team and show the community a good time along the way. A few of our favorites are:


  1. Trivia night. Hosting a trivia night at a local restaurant, or even your own school, is an exciting event the entire family can get involved in. Everybody loves to show off their knowledge, but making it all about football trivia will draw in your biggest supporters in a battle of “Who knows the most about football?”
  2. Costume events. Everybody loves to dress up. Yes, even adults and even when it’s not Halloween! Costume events like dances, themed dinners, and Friday night games are a creative way to draw a crowd to your event. Sell tickets, host bake sales and raffles, and make sure to have a costume competition for the best-dressed attendee.
  3. Online Auctions. Consider using an online platform like PayBee to host auctions for items donated by local businesses, team supporters, or player’s families. Autographed memorabilia, exclusive experiences like training sessions with coaches or players, or VIP game-day tickets can attract bids from fans and collectors.
  4. Fitness Challenges. Your players aren’t the only ones who enjoy a good competition. Host a fitness challenge like a marathon, fun run, or fitness boot camp where participants collect pledges based on their performance or completion. These events not only raise funds through participant fees and pledges but also promote health and wellness in the community. Be sure to involve team members as participants or volunteers so the community knows who they are supporting.
  5. Virtual Events: In the digital age, virtual events offer flexibility and accessibility to supporters who can’t make an in-person event. Host virtual trivia nights, e-sports tournaments, or live-streamed skill showcases featuring team members. Participants can join from anywhere, and donations can be collected through event registration fees, online ticket sales, or direct contributions during the event.
  6. Holiday Gift Wrap Sales. You’re probably familiar with the classic holiday gift-wrap sales, and for good reason. People love it! All you have to do is find a vendor you trust and the paper will practically sell itself.
  7. Crowdfunding Campaigns. GoFundMe and Kickstarter offer accessible ways to reach a large audience without selling anything. Teams can create compelling stories, showcase their achievements, and outline their financial needs. Enhancing the campaign with videos and testimonials from players and coaches makes the campaign personal, enticing donors to give to your cause.
  8.  Merchandise Sales: Designing and selling team-branded merchandise like jerseys, hats, and scarves can be a great way to raise money and promote team spirit. Offering limited-edition items or personalized options can attract collectors and loyal supporters far and wide.

The above football fundraisers shouldn’t be complicated or add stress to your team. All you need is a bit of organization, a lot of hands-on deck, and plenty of advertising. Whichever campaign you decide to run, make sure you appoint one or two people to run point and delegate tasks (often times this role falls to a responsible parent). Once all the roles have been delegated, take to social media, local papers, and businesses to advertise for the event. Remember, people can’t participate if they don’t know about what you’re doing!


Community and Corporate Involvement: Sponsorships, Pledge Fundraising, Ect. 


If bake sales and costume dinners aren’t large enough fundraisers to meet your financial goals, consider looking into corporate options. It might seem intimidating to approach CEOs and business owners, but they’re probably more willing to provide financial backing than you think. Below are a few simple and lucrative ideas that will help you meet your financial needs in no time.


  1. Sponsorship Packages. Selling goods and services isn’t the only way to raise money. Don’t be afraid to approach local businesses for sponsorship opportunities. Offer tiered packages that include advertising space on jerseys, banners at games, or mentions on social media and team websites. Tailor sponsorship proposals to align with the sponsor's marketing goals, emphasizing the visibility and goodwill associated with supporting a community team.
  2. Memorial or Honor Donations. Encourage supporters to make donations in memory of loved ones or in honor of special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries. Provide personalized acknowledgment to donors, such as dedicating a game or season to their loved one, to recognize their contribution and foster long-term relationships.
  3. Dinner Fundraisers. If one thing is universal, it’s that people love to eat. Your team can partner with local restaurants or caterers to host fundraising dinners or food festivals. Tickets can be sold in advance, and a portion of the proceeds or all profits from the event can go to the team. Incorporate entertainment such as a theme, raffles, or silent auctions to enhance the experience and encourage attendance.
  4. Pledge Fundraising. Pledge fundraising offers football teams a personalized way to engage supporters. Teams can leverage this method by encouraging donors to pledge a certain amount for each achievement or milestone reached during the season. For instance, pledges could be tied to goals scored, games won, or clean sheets kept by the team's defense. You can even offer incentives such as exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access, or personalized acknowledgments to recognize top pledgers. Incentives not only help raise funds but also strengthen relationships with supporters, turning them into long-term advocates for the team's success.
  5. Corporate Events: Host corporate events such as charity dinners, golf tournaments, or networking mixers where businesses can participate as sponsors or attendees. These events provide opportunities for networking, brand exposure, and fundraising through event tickets, auctions, or donations.
  6. Corporate Matching Gifts: Encourage team supporters who work for corporations with matching gift programs to double their donations. Provide information and assistance to donors on how to submit matching gift requests to their employers to maximize the impact of individual contributions.
  7. In-Kind Donations: Seek donations of goods or services from businesses that can be used for fundraising events, auctions, or as prizes for supporters. In-kind donations can reduce event expenses and attract attendees with valuable items or experiences.
  8. Sports clinic. Hosting a football clinic isn’t just an efficient way to raise money. It’s a way to implement team bonding among players and give back to the younger generation. Sell tickets and themed merchandise for the clinic and organize the participants by age. The players will make connections that will last for years to come and your team will gain substantial financing for the upcoming season.

Implementing and Managing Fundraising Efforts


You can run the most well-organized and creative campaign in football history, but if the public doesn’t know about it, it’s all for naught. Not to worry, though. We’re here to make sure this doesn’t happen to you. All you need is a simple organizational strategy and advertising plan to optimize your campaign efforts. Here’s what we suggest:

1. Social Media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X are powerful tools for promoting fundraising events. Plus, they’re free! Create event pages or posts that include compelling visuals, event details (date, time, location), and a call to action for supporters to RSVP or donate. Use hashtags relevant to the team and event to increase visibility and reach a broader audience. Encourage followers to share the event with their networks to amplify reach organically. For example, a youth football team could create teaser posts featuring player stories or highlight past successes to engage parents and community members.

2. Flyers and Posters: Yes, people still pay attention to a good ol’ fashioned flyer! Design eye-catching flyers and posters to distribute in local businesses, schools, community centers, and high-traffic areas. Include essential event information and a clear call to action, such as attending the event, making a donation, or volunteering. Partner with local businesses to display flyers in their establishments or include event details in their newsletters or customer communications.

3. Local Media: Reach out to local newspapers, radio stations, and television channels to feature the fundraising event. Write press releases highlighting the purpose of the event, notable guests or activities, and impact on the community. Offer interviews with team members, coaches, or organizers to provide personal insights and build interest. Utilize community event calendars on local media websites and newsletters to ensure event visibility.

Examples of Effective Promotions:

  • Social Media Campaign: A college football team hosts a virtual trivia night fundraiser. They create a Facebook event page with engaging graphics and teaser posts about trivia categories related to football history and team trivia. They encourage followers to RSVP, form teams, and share the event with friends. Leading up to the event, they post trivia questions as teasers to build excitement and engagement.
  • Flyers and Posters: A local youth football league organizes a car wash fundraiser. They design colorful flyers featuring photos of enthusiastic players and clear details about the event. Flyers are distributed to local businesses, schools, and community boards. They offer a discount on future league registration for supporters who get their cars washed, encouraging participation.
  • Local Media Coverage: A semi-professional football club hosts a charity match for a local cause. They draft a compelling press release detailing the event's purpose, featuring player interviews about their commitment to the cause. Local newspapers publish the story with event details and ticket information. The club also secures a radio interview where the coach discusses the match's significance and encourages listeners to attend and donate.

By utilizing these promotional strategies across social media, flyers, and local media, football teams can raise awareness about their fundraising events, attract a diverse audience, and increase support from the community. Consistent communication and engaging content are key to driving interest and participation in fundraising initiatives. If this feels overwhelming to you, don't worry! You probably have a few tech-savvy and well-connected people on your team who will be happy to spearhead your advertising efforts.


1.What are some traditional football fundraiser ideas that have proven effective for football teams?

Bake sales and car washes are two of the simplest and most effective fundraising campaigns football teams can run. They cost little to no money upfront, can be run multiple times a season, and can be sponsored by local bakeries and automotive shops.

2.How can football teams utilize social media campaigns and online fundraisers to raise money?

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are some of the best ways to advertise for fundraisers because they’re free and most community members have an active account. Using a fundraising platform like PayBee or GoFundMe is a perfect way to reach donors far and wide. No longer are we limited to local supporters! If this feels overwhelming to you, ask for a couple of tech-savvy volunteers on your team and let them handle the rest.

3.How can football teams attract and secure sponsorships from local businesses and corporations?

The simplest way to attract sponsorships from local businesses is to ask. It sounds intimidating. You’re probably worried they’ll say no. But you might be surprised how much local businesses value football teams. You can ask for something as simple as soap for a car wash or as big as new jerseys and equipment. In return, you’ll advertise for their business and build a long-lasting relationship with valuable members of your community.

4.What are some tips for selling custom team merchandise and other branded products effectively?

To sell branded team merchandise, set up an easily spotted tent or booth on game day and appoint trusted volunteers to handle sales. Keep detailed notes of all your sales so you can stock extras of everyone’s favorites.

5. How can football teams track and evaluate the success of their fundraising efforts to improve future events?

To track the success of your fundraising campaigns, keep detailed records of each campaign, how much money was spent and earned. This will help you know what type of fundraisers work for your team, and which don’t. It’s also a good idea to poll the attendees of your event to know what they liked and didn’t like and what you can improve next time.

You Can Start an Effective and Lucrative Football Fundraising Campaign Today

We hope this article has given you everything you need to feel comfortable hosting a fundraiser for your football team. Team fundraising doesn't have to be difficult or confusing. All you need to do is pick one of the many fundraising ideas for football we have discussed (start with a bake sale if you feel intimidated) ask for volunteers, and watch your budget grow! Just remember that whatever you choose, organization and advertising are keys to success. Utilize free online platforms like Instagram and Facebook to spread the word and don't forget to involve your community. By the end of the season, your financial woes will be a thing of the past and you'll be a tighter-knit community.

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Jordan Thompson

Jordan is an author and copywriter in the home and family niche. Connect with her on Instagram (https://instagram.com/jordanthompsonauthor?igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg== ) and Indeed (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-thompson-0916a1262). For copywriting inquiries contact her at jordanthompsonwrites@gmail.com.

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