
How to Do an Online Raffle: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Do an Online Raffle: A Comprehensive Guide

Want to run an online raffle? Great! You’re on the right track to fundraising success with a fresh innovative way to bump up donations. Virtual raffles offer one of the most creative and effective ways of bringing in heaps of much-needed cash into your organization.

Taking your raffle online opens an entire world of amazing fundraising opportunities beyond corralling piles of paper tickets and mind-numbing logistics in a live event environment. Online fundraising has stormed the fundraising scene. It’s not surprising to find more and more organizations onboarding this extremely effective and incredibly lucrative way of bringing in more cash.

Why are online raffles growing so rapidly? Because they reach a much larger, more global audience of highly targeted donors. Unlike their traditional counterpart, virtual raffles aren't bound to a specific location. Anyone with access to the web can participate and expand your reach; plus, did we mention there’s lower overhead?

Eliminate the costs of ticket printing, physical venue rentals, and other operational expenses concerning hosting live raffles. Using powerful software solutions to run your online raffles means everything is automated with a simple click: track raffle entries, manage payments, and draw winners from anywhere in the world through an easy-to-operate system.

Some of the other benefits associated with online raffles include real-time updates on donor behavior and activity, and their level of engagement, merging this data into an overview of overall participation. Besides engaging your supporters anywhere, anytime, you can expect more visibility and interaction with your promotional content on social media.

With digital raffles now dominating the virtual fundraising arena, it goes without saying that virtual events are an indispensable tool in strategies for 2024 and beyond.

Hosting online raffles is amazingly easy and highly accessible. Everything from convenience and scalability to cost savings, the sundry of benefits online raffles provide really amplify your fundraising campaign success and supporter engagement.

Let's get this party started and dive into all you need to know on hosting an online raffle.

Choosing the Right Software Management Platform for Your Online Raffle

Let's be realistic: the right raffle platform can make or break an online raffle. You don't want to wrestle with some clunky piece of software when you could be bringing in donations and engaging your audience. So, how can you find the right tool for pulling off an online raffle without a hitch? Let's break it down and talk about the must-have software features that make it all so much easier, effective, and most importantly, fun!

User-Friendly Interface - Keep it Simple, Right?

The last thing you need is to devote hours of your precious time into figuring out how to use complicated software tools. Your number one priority should be finding easy-to-navigate online raffle software. You want to set up your raffle, track entries, and manage payments, without feeling like you need a tech support degree.

Lucky for you, there are platforms out there that make it a breeze. PayBee is a great choice for its simplicity in design. The dashboard is super neat and so intuitive, there’s no setup or execution headaches, just results. RallyUp, being another alternative, is still a good secondary option; but PayBee takes the cake. It's a no-brainer.

Customization - Your Raffle, Your Rules

Nobody wants cookie-cutter solutions, right? You're creating a raffle, and you want the event to be special, representative of your brand's feelings. That's where customization comes in: the best raffle platforms will let you tweak everything from pricing on tickets to donation tiers.

With PayBee, you’re in full control. Create different ticket types, set donation goals, and make everything look on-brand with your organization's colors and logos. It's a tailored raffle management experience but without any of the hassle. Eventgroove does have some neat customization options, but PayBee really seems to knock it out of the park regarding flexibility and features.

Payment Integration - Make It Easy to Give You Money!

Let's be frank: The easier it is to donate, the more money you’re likely to raise. That’s why, when it comes to choosing a software platform for your raffle, payment integration is a huge deal. You want a system that accepts all major payment methods; credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay, so nobody drops off halfway through the registration process.

Once again, PayBee nails it. It integrates with all major payment processors to ensure your supporters can contribute with ease. PayBee even supports international payments, and you won’t miss out on any offshore contributions.

CRM Integration & Event Tracking: Keep Tabs on Your Donors

Running a raffle isn’t just about fundraising for your mission; it's about building the relationship with your donors. That's why CRM integration is a must-have for your raffle software platform. The right tool synchronizes with your CRM to track donor activity and post-event follow-up for long-term relationship building.

PayBee and RallyUp boast seamless CRM integrations that record each donation and interaction. Create follow-up campaigns to make first-time donors lifelong advocates.

Security - Keep Your Donors' Data Safe

You want a raffle platform that guarantees your donor information is safe and secure. Look for encrypted payment gateways and SSL certificates for sensitive information protection. You guessed it, PayBee comes out on top once again. They're all about security, keeping your event and donor data locked down tight and out of sight of bad actors.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Online Raffle Fundraiser

Hosting an online raffle is a great idea for your fundraising campaign. It’s an engaging and easy method, and with the right planning, your raffle can really pull some serious cash into your organization. But how do you ensure your raffle hits the ground running? Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your online raffle setup goes smoothly, efficiently, and successfully.

Step #1: Set Clear Rules

First, establish some raffle rules. The last thing you want is confusion over how your raffle works or legal troubles. Write the rules in a straightforward, simple way that’s easy to read. Include key details such as the following:

  • Who can enter: age, location restrictions, etc.
  • Dates: The start and close of the raffle.
  • How tickets can be purchased.
  • When, or how, the winner is to be announced.
  • Any specific terms or conditions for claiming the prize

You can't skip this step. Clearly defined rules build trust with your audience and keep everything transparent and compliant with the law.

Step #2: Nail Down Your Ticket Pricing Strategy

Ticket pricing can make or break your raffle. Price them too high, and you scare people off. Too low, and you're leaving money on the table. When determining a price, consider your target audience and the value of your prizes. A great ticket pricing strategy could include tiered options and discounts for buying multiple tickets at once.

For example:

  • 1 ticket $10
  • 3 tickets $25
  • 10 tickets for $75 

This strategy incentivizes multi-ticket sales, giving the donors a reason to buy in bulk, driving up your overall earnings. Ensure you're covering your costs, especially if you've invested in big-ticket prizes. Using platforms that allow flexible ticket pricing and structure, such as PayBee, makes creating flexible options for your audience easier than ever.

Step #3: Pick Awesome Prizes

Let's face it-people are way more likely to enter your raffle if you've got some amazing prizes lined up. The better your prizes, the more excitement you'll generate, and that means more ticket sales. Think about your audience and what would get them to buy into your raffle. 

Want some ideas on what prizes to choose?

Partner with local businesses: Call a boutique hotel or resort for a vacation package. They’ll love the exposure, and you’ll have a really cool prize to incentivize ticket buyers.

Gift cards: They’re an easy thing to track, and most people appreciate an online gift card from popular retailers such as Amazon, Target, or even a local restaurant.

Local experiences: cooking classes/wine tastings/events/special access tours by local providers.

By working with local businesses, you score fantastic prizes and build community relationships to facilitate further fundraising efforts. It's a win-win situation!

Step #4: Promote, Promote, Promote!

No matter how brilliant your prizes or how reasonably priced your tickets are, if nobody knows about it, it's game over. The success of the raffle is all in the promotion. Social media is your best friend here. Plan engaging posts to showcase your prizes, share testimonials from past winners, and reminders to enter as you get closer to the deadline. Use email marketing to send updates and reminders to your existing supporter list.

And don't forget to leverage partnerships. Ask businesses that provide prizes to encourage the promotion of your raffle with their followers as well. The more eyes on your raffle, the better.

Step #5: Legal Compliance

Now, this might sound incredibly mundane and boring, but it’s serious business. Laws regarding raffles are different in every state and country. Most regions require you to register your raffle with some sort of government authority, especially if it's for a nonprofit. Some platforms, like PayBee, offer guidance on ensuring your raffle setup complies with legal regulations, which is a huge help.

Here's what you should keep in mind:

  • First, make sure it's legal to run a raffle where you live.
  • Understand the licensing requirements.
  • Check to make sure that your raffle rules conform to local laws.

Step #6: Setting Up Your Online Raffle Platform

Now it's time for the technical part. Set up your raffle with a cool, attractive page stating the initiative or project you’re fundraising for, outline the rules regarding your raffle and showcase the prizes. Ensure your ticket purchase process is seamless and easy to access.

Here’s a quick checklist for the online raffle setup:

  • Create a branded landing page.
  • Showcase your awards clearly with photos and descriptions.
  • Create ticket pricing levels/ tiers. 
  • Add a countdown timer to develop urgency. 
  • Include easy payment gateways. 

Step 7: Monitoring

When your raffle is live, there’s no time to sit back and relax. Your software solution gives you data on how many sales, ticket entries, and other donor engagements occur in real-time. Send regular emails to all your supporters as you approach the ticket-sale deadline showing how close you are to reaching your goal. Incentivize sharing on social media for bonus entries or a small prize for referrals. Follow these steps for setting up the raffle, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful, engaging, and profitable event.

Tips for Marketing Your Online Raffle

You’ve finished the setup and you’re ready to go. But how will you get people hyped and ready to buy tickets? That's where the marketing machine comes into your strategy. A great raffle is only as good as its promotion. So let's dive in and get your raffle promotion on point with some fun, effective strategies!

Social Media Marketing: Your Secret Weapon for Raffle Success

If you don't take advantage of social media to promote your raffle, you are truly leaving a ton of ticket sales on the table. Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok help people spread the word about your event.

Post Captivating Content

Everybody loves graphics. Post pictures and videos of some of the attention-catching prizes you’re offering; add fun captions to them. Giving away a weekend getaway in a boutique hotel? Capture a dreamy picture of the venue and post it, asking, "Who's dreaming of an escape?

Stories and Going Live

Instagram and Facebook stories ensure your audience doesn't look anywhere else. Go live if possible, show behind-the-scenes action of the raffle process, or host a Q&A session.

Run a Countdown

Build anticipation and tease new information daily, like prizes, number of tickets sold, or last-minute offers to encourage participation.

Keep in mind that each post should provide a link directly to the raffle page. The easier you make it for people to click and buy tickets, the better.

E-mail Campaigns: Don't Sleep on Them

Email marketing may not be as glamorous as a viral TikTok dance, but it’s highly effective and one of the best ways to directly reach out to your supporters and generate raffle ticket sales.

Create Urgency

Use subject lines like “Only 24 hours left to win!” or “Last chance to enter!” in your emails. Creating urgency mobilizes people into acting.

Send Regular Updates

How many tickets have been sold? How many new prizes have you added? Keep them interested and excited.

Use Your CRM

If you're already using one, you're golden. Segment your email list to target those who donated or took part in events in the past. Send them a personalized invite to take part in the raffle and watch the sales start rolling in.

Leveraging Your Current Network

Get others to help spread the word. Reach out to local businesses, people of influence, and your community to help you promote your raffle. Maybe a local eatery can share your event in their newsletter, or a well-connected member of your community can give you a shout-out on their Instagram.

Don't be afraid to ask, most people are happy to help promote a good cause. A little cross-promotion can go a long way in boosting your social media marketing.

Engage Your Team

Every successful raffle has a hardworking team getting things done behind the scenes. Keeping everyone on the same page is one of the toughest parts of effective event organization, and that's where collaboration tools come in.

Slack or Asana are ideal for keeping everyone in sync leading up to the event: you can assign tasks, track progress, and ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Imagine your social media manager communicating with your email marketer all in one place.


A good CRM saves the day. It lets you track donations and monitor engagement so you know exactly which strategies work. After the event, follow up with your supporters and say thanks for participating. Communication is a big component of building long-term donor relationships.

Make Engagement Your Priority

You’ve done all this work setting up your raffle and marketing it, but now what? How do you keep the momentum going? The answer: engagement. The more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to participate and share the event with others. 

Social Media Comments

When someone comments on your social media update and asks about the raffle, don't leave them hanging! Provide a quick, pleasant response. Run smaller random prize giveaways during the raffle to keep your audience in suspense. Give away a free ticket to someone who shares your post or tags a friend. 

It's really simple and creates chatter online, bringing more eyeballs to your raffle content on social media.

Running the Raffle: Best Practices and Tips

The worst possible thing that could happen when it's go-time for your online raffle is trying to fix an issue or mediate a multitude of confusion. The whole key to a well-managed event rests in preparation and solid management. Let's give you some ideas on how you can make things run like clockwork!

Real-Time Execution and Monitoring with Raffle Software

The right software is a real game-changer. Your raffle execution should feel effortless for every participant. From collecting entries to conducting the live draw, software takes the pressure off event organizers.

Most raffle platforms have automation tools that take care of everything, from entry tracking and ticket validation to random winner selection. You focus on engaging your participants, instead of wrestling with technology.

Let’s not forget how important mobile-friendly tools are! Having a mobile-friendly raffle software platform keeps you in touch with your participants using their personal devices. Your software must allow participants to join the raffle anywhere, anytime.

Have Support On Standby

Technology is great, but it isn't perfect, and sometimes it does have glitches. Have a full support team of tech-savvy professionals lined up. Whether it’s an issue with payment or trying to buy tickets, you don't want those minor issues to snowball into bigger ones. Keep a response team on hand to nip any frustrations in the bud. Include a live chat or support hotline that participants can reach out to during the event. Be proactive and test everything in advance and ensure you have a plan B in place for handling technical support on the day of the event.

Create a Buzz Around the Event

Keep the heat on your raffle and maintain the excitement from when the raffle goes live online to the final draw. Run countdowns on X, Instagram, or Facebook to raise the excitement to a fever pitch as the event approaches. 

Post about some of the cool prizes and do mini-announcements or live shoutouts to people buying raffle tickets. Countdowns let people know how much longer they have left to get their tickets. Publish sneak peeks of prizes and exclusive announcements about the draw to keep them engaged.

Encourage participants to share their raffle entries on their social media using a hashtag. This tactic creates buzz and builds community.

Drawing a Fair Raffle

The actual drawing itself is the most important moment of running your raffle, and transparency means everything. You want people to understand it’s fair and free from bias. Most online raffle software allows participants to stream the drawing live through an official website or landing page, and you may want to consider hosting the draw on Facebook Live or YouTube for an added level of excitement and transparency.

Ensure the drawing process is transparent and well-communicated in advance of the event. Take the time to explain to your audience how winners are chosen and how you’ll contact them. When that magic moment finally does arrive, celebrate your winners publically to retain trust and attract participants to future events!

Post-Raffle Activities: Closing the Event and Reporting

Once the excitement over your online raffle reaches its peak, it’s time to start tying up any loose ends with some key post-raffle procedures. It’s not only about declaring the winners but creating a seamless wrap-up to get you ready for bigger success the next time around.

Announcing Your Raffle Winners

First things first, announce the winner! Everyone who participated is sitting on the edge of their seats to see who won those fabulous prizes. Use social media platforms to spread the news far and wide, tagging winners, this approach keeps the buzz going.

Host a live announcement, turning it into an event in and of itself. This tactic makes everyone feel like part of a community and ensures transparency, verifying the ethics of the draw are beyond reproach.

Prize Distribution Made Easy

Personally contact every raffle winner to confirm their details. Software like PayBee could make that even easier, automating communication to save time and keep things organized.

Analyzing the Results

Once the dust has settled, it's time for some serious analysis. Re-engage with your raffle results using data from your raffle platform. Ticket sales, overall revenue, and levels of consumer engagement show what works and what doesn't. PayBee's insightful reporting allows you to drill deeper into your performance metrics, allowing you to get a better sense of your audience and improve future performance.

Collect Event Feedback

Feedback is your friend! Reach out to participants for event feedback with an email or social media survey. Ask questions like, “What did you love about the raffle?” and “What could we improve to make the experience better for you?” You’ll get valuable information to make planning for future raffles easier.

Analyze the comments and reactions on your social media posts to gauge how participants felt about the experience. This qualitative data is equally important because it puts context into your event analysis. 

Preparing for the Next Raffle 

Put into practice the lessons learned from this raffle and make improvements in methodology, increasing engagement among participants for better fundraising results. Understanding the data from your tools positions you for successful fundraising events in the future.

Legal and Compliance Considerations for Online Raffles

Hosting online raffles can feel like being thrown head-first into a legal labyrinth. But don’t be afraid of the regulatory Minotaur! Each state has its rule book and some states need a special license to get your raffle going, while others stringently limit ticket sales or the prize value. Knowledge is power; arm yourself with the right information to keep your raffle game strong!

Each state has gaming commissions or departments of revenue tasked with monitoring raffle compliance. 

These people keep the industry moving like a convoy of well-oiled machines. Give your online raffle a great start by doing some detective work to figure out which agency governs raffles in your state. Understand the rules they enforce.

Unpacking Raffle Laws

When developing your do-it-yourself online raffle, it's essential to understand the legal aspects surrounding these events. This isn’t purely an issue of revenue taxes from selling tickets but following specific guidelines about how online funds are handled and secured. Be certain that you play according to the book. Clearly detail all terms and conditions for participants. Nobody likes surprises when it comes to reading the legal fine print.

Before the raffle goes live, look into the raffle laws specific to your state. The websites for various local gaming commissions serve as a treasure trove of information and are good starting points.

Not all states require licenses, so if your state does, file those papers! Document everything, from ticket sales, down to communications with participants. These documents are your saving grace if anyone questions your compliance.

Remember, prize distribution is supposed to conform with state regulations and laws can change faster than you can say “raffle ticket.” Keep in regular contact with local authorities or legal experts in fundraising laws to keep your game sharp. Take a deep breath and consult an attorney specializing in nonprofit law. They can lead you through the compliance guidelines so you don't make any legal missteps. 

Common Challenges and Solutions in Online Raffles

Hosting an online raffle can feel like getting on a roller coaster; it’s full of excitement, cliffhangers, and a few stomach drops along the track! But don't worry, we've got your back. We're in this together to navigate the twists and turns. Here are some common raffle problems you might hit and how to tackle them like a pro!

Technical Glitches? No Problem!

The clock is ticking down, excitement is in the air, and then; BOOM! Your website crashes. Talk about a buzzkill for your raffle participants! Keep a tech-savvy friend or a support team on speed dial and do test runs to catch any glitches. Take some time to learn about the troubleshooting features in your software to quickly fix any minor issues that arise on the day. A little prep goes a long way in keeping your raffle sailing smoothly along!

Low Ticket Sales? Let's Jack Up those Numbers!

Getting stung by low ticket sales? That's not great, but it happens to the best of us.

Let's turn that frown upside down! Utilize social media to create a buzz. Make your fabulous prizes the centerpiece of eye-catching posts, and remind them their purchase is going to a great cause! Use countdowns, sneak peeks, and fun stories, and give it the whole nine yards to build excitement. Launch early bird discounts or referral bonuses to make people feel like they're getting a deal on something while supporting a good cause.

Keep Participants Engaged

Once those ticket sales start coming in, you've got to maintain the momentum. Nothing kills interest faster than apathy among participants. Get creative! Utilize the interactive tools at your disposal, such as polls, quizzes, and live streams. Why not host an online countdown party before your raffle, sharing fun facts about your prizes, or show the impact of your organization? 

This promotional tactic builds a sense of community and keeps everyone eagerly anticipating the launch of your live event.

Stop Miscommunication

Get everyone on the same page concerning the rules of the raffle and what prizes are involved.

Be crystal clear about your messaging. Create a central place with all the information on how to purchase tickets, when the draw will take place, and how winners will be notified. Include an FAQ section on your raffle site to handle common questions.

How to Do an Online Raffle: FAQ's

What features should I look for in an online raffle platform?

The online raffle platform should be user-friendly and have plenty of customization options. You want something that makes your raffle easy to manage. Verify if it integrates with CRM to track donors and their contributions. Most importantly, it should have robust security features focusing on data protection.

What are the essential steps to set up an online raffle?

Here are the basic steps to creating an online raffle: define your goals, choose a software platform, create the raffle rules and prize details, decide on ticket pricing, and launch a marketing campaign. The last two steps involve tools for engaging participants at the time of the event and managing the drawing process.

How should I set ticket prices for my online raffle?

Pricing your raffle tickets is where the real magic happens. Consider your fundraising goals and the prizes to be distributed. The general rule of thumb: ticket prices should remain low while allowing you to capture a reasonable profit. Test different pricing strategies, such as offering bundles or providing discounts for early birds. Find a balance between attracting participants and maximizing your fundraising potential!

How do I know my online raffle is compliant with laws and regulations?

Understanding legal compliance for your online raffle may sound overwhelming, but it’s actually quite manageable. Research any specific regulations regarding raffles in your state; remember, laws may vary from state to state. Ensure you have all the required permits and licenses that make it legal. If you’re confused about any of the requirements, get in touch with a legal expert. Keeping everything above board saves you from headaches down the road and lets you focus on running a successful raffle!

How to effectively engage participants in an online raffle event?

Generate excitement on social media through sharing live updates and behind-the-scenes moments. Host an interactive activity, like polls or shout-outs, to keep the energy at an all-time high. Take it up a notch with a countdown timer to the draw, and acknowledge the participants' contributions.

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Paybee is the leader in nonprofit fundraising events with tools for virtual, hybrid and in-person events.

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