
Class Projects for Auction

Class Projects for Auction

Looking for ways to add variety to your next school fundraiser? Student-created items can be an excellent addition to your auction. These creative class auction projects can engage both students and the community in your event, which raises your success! There are many possibilities ranging from individual student creations, unique experiences and technology offerings. There is most likely a tremendous amount of creative talent just waiting to be showcased through an opportunity like a school fundraiser. These can be low-cost & high-earning items at your next event. We have gathered a list of fun and popular ways to offer individual and class projects to your next school auction. Our hope is that these ideas inspire teachers, staff and community for your next fundraiser. Need support? Paybee nonprofit fundraising events services can help organize your next event.Take a look at some ideas! 

School Auction Art and Craft Projects

One unique, creative and low-cost auction item category is offering student-designed art and craft projects. Student arts and crafts offer one-of-a-kind options for your school’s auction that parents and community will love to support. These are often colorful and vibrant creations that become mementos of a special time in a student's school experience. The items also often highlight the impressive creativity and talent from within your own school. Parents, friends and family will be proud to display these cherished pieces in their own homes. We can help organize your silent auction for the best results.

Student art and craft projects also help showcase the hard work teachers and students put into their lessons throughout the school year. Knowing that the pieces may be put on display for an event may spark additional interest for the students to create something meaningful. Students are proud of their accomplishments, and teachers are happy to see improved engagement in class projects. The types of items students may create almost limitless! Here are some examples:

Paintings: large or small, framed or unframed, mixed-media, individual or group art, watercolor, pastels, chalk art

Sculptures & Pottery: painted coffee cups, plates, bowls, serving platters, flowerpots, decorative figurines, cardboard, wood or wire sculptures

Jewelry: handmade necklaces, bracelets, pendants, earrings & rings made with wire, beads, embroidery floss, or paper 

Decorative items: wall hangings made with wood, paper or yarn, pillows, mobiles, flower vases, painted tables, chairs, mirrors or other home furnishings

The possibilities are infinite when it comes to student-created arts and crafts for a class auction project. They make unique & special auction items that can help raise the funds your school needs while supporting the creative efforts of the staff and students. You will most likely be amazed by the talent in your school that shines brightly through these items in the auction. 

Collaborative Class Projects for School Auction

Another engaging idea for a school projects for auction is having a class design a collaborative project. These projects can be fun for a class to create and are unique items for your auction. They can show the many personalities within a class, and the project often ends up being full of life and energy. The result is a beautiful work of art that also highlights the unique style of each student. Take a look at some of the possibilities for collaborative pieces: 

Class Quilts or Blankets: Each student creates his or her own unique portion of the whole quilt or blanket. There may be an inspiring theme to unite the quilt, like love, peace, or friendship. The quilt or blanket may also connect with a meaningful class or community theme. Students can use markers on fabric or other creative tools to create their individual piece of the bigger project. Someone will need to be able to assemble the quilt or blanket. 

Group Mural or Mosaic: Large murals or mosaics are also fun ideas for group projects.
The possibilities are endless, but here are a few favorites: 

Recreate Famous Art: Print a copy of an original piece of art, then cutting it into the number of students in a class. Each student creates his or her portion, and then the pieces are reassembled to the original artwork. 

Flower Vase: Begin by drawing a large flower vase. Each student then creates a flower that represents him or her in the bouquet by using favorite colors and designs. The result is a unique and vibrant bouquet!

Wall Tree: Start the mural with a large tree trunk with many branches. Students fill in the leaves with their names and any other creative theme that works for your community. The tree will be alive with the many personalities, colors and names. 

Reach for the Stars Collage: Students trace their forearm & hand on colorful, strong paper. Cut out & decorate it with their name & any unique design they wish. Markers, colored pencils, or crayons work great for this one. Assemble the arms on a large poster board with hands reaching up to bright stars at the top of the collage. This vibrant collage is sure to inspire! 

These collaborative class projects are fun to create and make great auction ideas. When it comes to collaborative art pieces, the possibilities are endless! Thinking of offering a hybrid event of in person and remote bidding? We can help! 

Themed Gift Baskets

A class can also create themed gift baskets for school auctions. Students can brainstorm ideas to add a wide variety of themes to match the many interests within the community. Gift baskets can be a great way to get your community of small businesses to donate items and services to your fundraiser. Popular gift basket themes: 

Movie Night: Include a local movie theater gift card, fun traditional movie snacks, candies, and bottles of favorite beverages. Maybe include a gift card for a local ice cream or dessert treat after the movie! 

Spa Day: Include all things relaxing including scented candles, body lotions, sugar scrubs, essential oils, slipper socks, calming teas & special teacups, facial masks, eye pillows, bath bombs and Epsom salts & nail polish. Depending on your budget, add manicure/pedicure gift cards, massage gift cards, healthy juice or smoothie gift cards.

Day at the Beach: What makes a perfect beach day? Include beach towels, flip flops, sunscreen, towel clips, sun hat, water bottle, towel clips, snacks, magazines and more in a fun beach-themed tote bag.

Gourmet Foodie: Include delicious and higher-end items a home chef will enjoy like organic extra virgin olive oil, healthy cook book, cook book stand, sea salt and black pepper grinder, specialty local sauces, high quality wine and gourmet snacks. A chef would always enjoy new dish towels, apron, cloth napkins and place mats. 

Sports Theme: Does your community have professional sports teams? What are the local colleges? Even high school sports teams have die hard fans that want to show their loyalty! Add tickets to games, hoodies, T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, bumper stickers and other collectibles in this sports themed gift basket. 

The sky’s the limit when choosing themed gift baskets for your auction and how to include local businesses. The students can brainstorm what is popular in their families and community to focus on the options. Their engagement will add fresh and fun energy to the gift bags to be auctioned at your event.

Decorating and Packaging

When it comes to assembling your gift baskets, encourage students to use their creativity to make it stand out on the auction table. People want to buy attractive products, so encourage them to be creative about the best way to display their items. Decide what type of packaging would look the best and appeal to the bidders for the specific theme or items offered.

Generally, bidders want to be able to see what they are purchasing, so clear plastic wrap is often a good option. Be sure each item is visible and displayed well within the package. 

A beautiful, reusable basket for a spa day might be an attractive addition and a great way for all items to be seen. A large reusable, beach themed tote bag for the day at the beach might be just the touch that sells these student gift baskets. Be creative! Brainstorm how to incorporate quality, reusable items to help package and display the gift basket items. 

Students can also decorate the baskets or bags with ribbons or bows for added attention. They can also add natural decorations with pine cones, dried flowers, sea shells, and more depending on the basket's theme. Teach students to take pride in the finished product by adding decorations. The finishing touches will be impressive to the bidders.

Don't forget a gift tag attached to your basket explaining the theme & the items inside to be sure the bidders know exactly what they are receiving. These small personal touches can make a big difference. 

Performance and Experience Projects 

In addition to auctioning tangible items, another creative option is to auction student performances. These special events can generate interest in talents within the school community and appeal to bidders who don't want to purchase any more "things". Experiences are a wonderful fundraising option on their own or as a part of a themed gift basket. Some ideas include:

Concert Tickets:
Host a special event of student-performed music. Combine forces with the school band or orchestra and sell tickets to their upcoming concert. 

Dance Recitals: Is there a dance team or club in your school? A local dance company that has a seasonal recital? Auction off tickets to their next performance. 

Night at the Theater: Does your school have a drama department? Is there a play or musical coming up that involves students in your community? These tickets can be popular auction items! 

Talent Shows: Create a fun event that highlights the talent in your school! The singers, dancers, poets, acrobats and more can have their time to shine! Make it a special event & auction off tickets to the community. 

Student performances make excellent options for school auctions. It's a chance for more people to experience these special events and the talented students in the community. 

Experience-Based Projects

Many of us have everything we need, and enjoying experiences are a much more attractive auction option. When the students lead these experiences, it makes even more enticing. These special events can also highlight the variety of student interests, hobbies and talents within a school. The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else, so these experiences are also excellent ways for students to become experts in their areas of interest. Some creative ideas for student-led experiences are the following: 

Yoga or Meditation: Learn how to practice yoga or meditation from the little yogis in your school who enjoy it and want to teach others. 

Baking Lesson: Learn how to bake a delicious cake or favorite cookies from the young bakers in your community. Take some home to enjoy!

Learn a Language: Are there students who are fluent in another language? Let them teach a group how to communicate and make friends all over the world. What a great way to include other cultures within your community. 

Get Crafty: There are most likely students in your school who enjoy creating candles, jewelry, mobiles and more. Host a special workshop to have them share their gifts with others. Participants get to take home something they learned to create!

Tutoring Help: Sometimes students make the best teachers! Auction off tutoring sessions for those who can help others. 

These performance and experience-based projects can be a highly successful addition to your school’s next fundraiser. Many people are looking for this type of unique auction option, so get the students involved and see what amazing ideas they come up with! Some hidden talents, interests and abilities will shine! 

Technology and Digital Projects 

As we know, today’s students have tremendous talent in the world of creative digital art, video and technology. The younger generation is fluent in the world of technology and can offer valuable services to the community in a fundraiser. This vast and growing category has many options for school auction items. Depending on the students’ ages, some ideas in this category include:

Website or App Design: Auction off a customized website or app design project. You may be amazed what students can create!

Digital Photography: Original student artwork can be printed on canvas of various sizes for easy wall hanging at home. Auction these beautiful images. 

Video Editing: Many people are looking for help with this type of project these days. There are most likely very skilled students in your school who can offer their assistance. 

Graphic Design: The digital artists who have an eye for design can help create logos, promotional materials and more. Auction off a session for a project with a young designer. 

There are many other possibilities of how students can create auction options using their skills in technology and digital art. Ask them about what they would like to offer. You will probably be blown away by their high tech skills. Read more about digital fundraising ideas. 

Wrapping Up

We hope these ideas have been inspiring as you plan your next school fundraiser. Student-created projects can often be valuable items for your community auction. These are generally low-cost and high-earning items for your event. They can engage your students, staff and parent community. Include the students in the process, and see what amazing ideas come to life for your event. Student-created art, collaborative projects and experiences help highlight the amazing talent that exists within your school's walls. Utilize projects and events in visual arts, music, dance, special interests, technology and digital art as auction items. These impressive student skills and performances can offer unique and successful options for school fundraisers. We're here to help organize your next fundraiser. Contact us to get started. 

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