Planting Hope: Discovering the Best Tree Planting Charity for Environmental Conservation
Planting Hope: Discovering the Best Tree Planting Charity for Environmental Conservation
Reforestation: Why Planting Trees Matters
It is estimated that every year 15 billion trees are cut down. To put that into perspective, 41 million trees, or the equivalent of a forest the size of a football field, are being cut down every second of every day. While these numbers may seem overwhelming, it is important to know that there are tree planting charities and organizations around the world working towards a more environmentally sustainable future and are doing so one tree at a time. But why is reforestation so important?
Trees help us breathe. Trees keep us safe. Trees give us a sense of peace while beautifying our cities and towns. Trees provide shelter and protection for a countless number of species, keeping the planet's ecosystem in balance. In a world where deforestation runs rampant, from logging for construction to land clearing and natural disasters, it is important to save our trees, to care for them and to continue the process of planting more if we ever hope to reverse some of the damage that's already been done.
It is difficult to get an idea of how many tree planting charities there are worldwide as new ones are constantly forming while others may merge or cease operation. It is also difficult to gauge as some organizations may make tree planting their main focus, while others may have planting projects housed under an umbrella with other initiatives geared towards environmentally sustainability. Either way it may be somewhat daunting to search through so much information and to know that that your contribution is being received by a legitimate charity with honorable goals. We've tried to make things a little easier with this informative guide that can help you understand why tree planting charities are so important, how they affect communities around the globe and which tree planting charities have proven track records and are making a real difference.
Exploring the Objectives and Impact of Tree Planting Missions
While ultimately, the goal of any tree planting charity is to get seedlings in the ground, each organization is different and it's important to evaluate them as such. Generally one thing they all have in coming is a focus on combating the effects of climate change, protecting animal and plant diversity, and advocating for conservation by preserving, restoring and expanding forested areas.
While many organizations share these common goals, the actual missions and approaches may vary. Most focus on environmental conservation and combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Another main priority is preserving ecosystems and biodiversity by protecting and creating habitats for an innumerable amount of animal and plant species. But how charities and organizations go about in achieving this can vary. Some work directly with landowners and indigenous communities in rural areas in a more grassroots type of way to ensure the communities voices are heard and their existing practices are taken into consideration. Others cooperate with other nonprofit organizations, federal or local governments and partner with businesses to maximize impact and investment on a broader scale.
But the term "investment" in regards to tree planting charities isn't limited to a financial number or the confines of a boardroom. Many organizations invest time and energy into education and research. Farmers can be taught the best way to plant and conserve their land, or learn new tree planting techniques and new advances in agroforestry. Children and adults alike can have the opportunity to learn and get involved in both the classroom and the community, be it through forestry-related activities, seminars, or volunteer service.
No matter how you look at it, tree planting charities play a vital role in addressing and mitigating climate change, promoting ecological guardianship and promoting a greener, more sustainable environment for both present and future generations.
Criteria for Evaluating Tree Planting Charities
Rooted Success: Best Practices for Effective Tree Planting Charities
The efficiency of a tree planting charity is multi faceted and many factors come into play. It is unfeasible to think one can simply plant hundreds or thousands of trees and walk away with no follow up strategy. Tree planting is a long term endeavor and an effective charity will demonstrate a commitment to ongoing stewardship once the trees have been planted. Establishing clear mission goals, making strategic plans and involving of experts in forestry and environmental sciences demonstrates that a tree planting charity knows what their objective is, has a plan to get there and is willing to work with others to ensure the most successful outcome. As mentioned earlier, partnerships with NGOs, governments and various businesses can also enhance a charity's reach and impact. Engaging the local community helps foster a sense of ownership and empowerment as people are more apt to monitor and maintain a project in their community if they are involved and their voices are heard. By applying these methods, a tree planting organization has the framework for success, but, as with most charities, efficiency comes down to three main components which are all interrelated: transparency, accountability and project impact.
Unearthing Accountability: Evaluating the Transparency and Impact of a Tree Planting Organization
Transparency is a leading factor when it comes to where you would like to donate your charity dollars. A reputable and transparent organization will have a clear and detailed mission as well as financial reports that should be easily accessible. You shouldn't need to dig around in countless websites to find the information you are looking for. These reports will include such things as income and expenditures, as well as how donations were allocated to each specific project. Transparent tree planting organizations make information regarding their board of directors and leadership teams readily available, including their qualifications and credentials. Organizations also need to be open to communicate with their donors. Communicating with donors can include releasing updates, sending newsletters and progress reports as well as addressing any questions or concerns that the public may have. The relationship between a donor and a charity should not end once the donation has been made.
As far as project impact is concerned, an effective tree planting charity will have methods to measure their accomplishments and, if need be, identify areas where perhaps they fell short. Scientific methods and monitoring tools should be able to assess project success and provide data in regards such things as carbon footprint reduction and habitat restoration. It's not all about how many trees you've planted. It's about how the trees were planted, where they were planted, and if they are thriving.
But it's not all about the present. Tree planting is a long term commitment and it's important for charities to evaluate their long term impact and sustainability. The survival rates of planted trees needs to be tracked, ecosystems need to be constantly re-evaluated and the impact on local communities repeatedly assessed. Different parts of the globe have different ecosystems and it can't be a "one size fits all" kind of approach. Practices that achieve results in Africa obviously aren't going to be practical in managing deforestation problems in the rainforest, and practices that worked 20 years ago may not have the same outcome in today's modern world.
In short, transparency, accountability and project impact are all interconnected components that are the foundation of an effective and successful tree planting charity. By demonstrating that their organization is accountable, transparent and making a positive change, a tree planting charity has the necessary tools to make a lasting impact on both the planet and the communities it fosters.
Profiles of Various Top Tree Planting Charities Worldwide
So you've decided to choose a tree planting charity and donate towards a greener, more sustainable future.... what next? To help you decide which organization is most suitable for you, we've compiled a detailed list of some of the leading tree planting charities worldwide that are making significant contributions towards environmental conservation worldwide. These organizations, among many others, are playing important roles in the advancement of reforestation, supporting biodiversity and combating climate change.
The Arbor Day Foundation: Arbor Day is traditionally known as the "tree planting holiday" and was first celebrated in Nebraska in 1872. One hundred years later, the Arbor Day Foundation was formed with the idea that tree planting shouldn't be relegated to just one day of the year. With over 100 million registered members worldwide, the Arbor Day Foundation is considered to be one of the world's largest non profit dedicated to planting trees. In the past 50 years they have planted over 500 million trees all over the world and are currently campaigning to plant 500 million more by the year 2027. With the mission to "inspire people to plant, nurture and celebrate trees", the Arbor Day Foundation partners with businesses, schools, local governments and various conservation organizations to support their many tree planting projects as well as educate and engage communities all over the world. From urban and community forestry initiatives, to reforestation projects after natural disasters, The Arbor Day Foundation has a plethora of programs geared towards a greener and more sustainable future.
Plant-for-the-Planet: The Plant-for-the-Planet organization was created by a 9 year old boy named Felix Finkbeiner in Germany back in 2007. While researching for a school assignment about climate change Finkbeiner came across the story of a Kenyan woman named Wangari Maaithai who founded the "Green Belt Movement" back in 1977. The Green Belt Movement was responsible for the planting of over 30 million trees all across Africa, and served as an inspiration to Finkbeiner who decided that ifif children from all over the world could plant 1 million trees in their own countries then they could make a significant difference in the fight against climate change. One year later the organization had taken off and over 150,000 trees had been planted. A child and youth based organization, the "Plant-for-the-Planet" membership consists of "young ambassadors" who have spearheaded the "Trillion Tree Campaign" and are responsible for the planting of over 32 million trees.
Trees for the Future: Trees for the Future is a American based organization based in Maryland that primarily works with farmers in developing countries to help educate and train them about agroforestry and sustainable land use. Over the last 30 years Trees for the Future has worked in over 50 countries throughout Latin and South America, as well as Southeast Asia and Africa. However in the last 15 years their focus has shifted and is predominantly focused on Sub-Saharan Africa where they felt there was the most need. Trees for the Future's mission is to end hunger and generational poverty through regenerative agriculture. Their Forest Garden Approach is a 4 year program where groups of farmers are trained to plant trees in a way that maximizes land use as well as eliminates the need for fertilizers and chemicals, in turn giving the farmers crops they can feed to their families and sell for income. Once they have completed the program farmers can then "plant it forward" and teach other neighboring farmers the same techniques they have learned in a more condensed and informal way.
One Tree Painted: Founded in 2014, One Tree Planted is perhaps one of the best known tree planting charities in North America. Built on the premise that tree planting should be accessible to everyone, they have planted over 135 million trees in over 82 countries in the last ten years using a "One Tree One Dollar" approach. Their global reforestation projects are focused on restoring forests after natural disasters such as fires and floods, as well as creating jobs, building and engaging local communities, and protecting wildlife habitat. One Tree Planted has made the donation process accessible through many different avenues. From monetary to cryptocurrency, to leaving them as a beneficiary in your will or dedicating a tree to your mother in a Monarch Forest on Mothers Day, this organization has ample options as to how you would like your tree planting donation to be spent.
Eden Reforestation Projects: The Eden Reforestation Projects works in some of the communities hardest hit by extreme poverty due to deforestation and climate change, particularly in Africa and Indonesia. This organization uses a holistic approach, reforesting landscapes and working directly with community leaders who want to make a difference. The Eden Reforestation Project employs and trains thousands of local community members and provides them with the training, tools and education to grow, maintain and safeguard their forests. Eden currently plants approximately 15 million trees per month while providing local farmers and community members with a fair wage and a means by which they can grow and sell their own food, harvest building supplies and live more self sufficient lifestyles.
The International Tree Foundation: The roots of the International Tree Foundation can be traced back almost 100 years ago when environmentalist pioneer Richard St. Barbe Baker was working as a Forestry Officer in Kenya. Barker took note of how quickly forests were being destroyed and teamed up with a local indigenous chief to rally communities to plant and protect trees. When Barker returned to England his mission quickly caught on and inspired over 100 branches to pop up worldwide. Working primarily in Africa and the UK, the mission of the ITF is to honor Barbe's legacy by promoting the planting and protection of trees, while working with local communities to improve livelihoods. The International Tree Foundation is considered to be the oldest international tree planting charity and it is estimated that they are responsible for planting over 25 billion trees since their inception.
Neighbourhood Forest: Founded in Iowa by Vikas Narula, Neighbourhood Forest is a non-profit organization focused on instilling a love for trees in children. When Narula was in college he received a free tree on Earth Day and decided that this small gift was something that every child should have the opportunity to receive. Neighbourhood Forest looks to engage and educate todays youth about conservation through tree planting all the while beautifying cities and towns and offsetting carbon emissions. What started as a small program in 4 schools in Minneapolis, their program has now reached over 2000 schools, libraries and youth groups across 50 states and 4 Canadian provinces, and has given over 90,000 children the chance to grow and care for their very own tree.
Trees, Water & People : This charity was co-founded by two forester friends who witnessed first hand the rapid deforestation in Latin America. Based in Colorado their focus is on creating programs that benefit indigenous communities throughout Central America aa well as tribal lands in the Southwest United States. They involve the community in tree planting and work directly with community leaders and elders in such a way that it meshes modern science with traditional and indigenous methods. They also have strong programs dedicated to gender equality, youth development and indigenous sovereignty. One of their most successful campaigns is the installation of cookstoves in homes that would otherwise depend on the use of in-home open fires to cook. Cookstoves help decrease the excessive amount household firewood used, as well as the reduces the creation of toxic gasses that damage the health of the families that live there. In 2019/2020 alone, TWP managed to install over 300,000 clean cookstoves in Honduras alone and that number has been increasing every year since.
Growing Together: The Benefits of Supporting Tree Planting Charities
We all know that trees help us breathe. But how? Trees filter various harmful greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and help mitigate climate change through a process called carbon sequestration. Carbon sequestration is where trees and plants can absorb carbon dioxide and store it in their leaves, branches, trunks and root systems and one mature tree alone can sequester up to 22 lbs of carbon per year. This process can help offset the concentration of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere and can help to alleviate the damaging effects of climate change and reduce our carbon footprint. But not only do trees remove harmful compounds such as CO2 from the atmosphere, they also create oxygen and filter out damaging contaminants such as dust, smoke and pollution. Trees improve air quality resulting in reduced respiratory illnesses, particularly in cities and more densely populated areas.
Trees also provide homes and shelter for a vast array of plants and animals, insects, fungi etc.. They offer places for pollination and seed production and provide us with nuts, fruits and medicines. In fact, it is estimated that 25% of all modern Western drugs are derived from the Rainforest alone. This is not to mention the stabilization of soil that trees provide through their root structures. Unstable soil results in more sediment in our water, and an increase in soil erosion. Soil erosion decreases soil fertility while increasing the chance of landslides and soil displacement. This is particularly important for areas that experience heavier rainfalls or any kind of seismic activity. Without trees the ecological balance would be thrown into chaos and all species, including our own, would be in jeopardy.
Last but not least, trees play a vital role in our personal well-being. Greenspaces give communities a chance to reconnect with nature, encourage social gatherings and promote outside activities such as jogging or cycling, or simply an afternoon picnic. Natural environments are also known to help a person feel more calm and relaxed, which in turn can help alleviate the symptoms of depression, sadness and anxiety. A simple walk in the woods or in your neighborhood park can make all the difference when you're feeling down or disconnected from nature and the world around you.
Cultivating Partnerships: How Businesses Can Collaborate with Tree Planting Charities
Do you have your own business and would like to get involved with a tree planting charity or would you like your workplace to be involved in making the planet a greener and more sustainable place to live? Do you have your own business and would like to get involved with a tree planting charity or would you like your workplace to be involved in making the planet a greener and more sustainable place to live? There are several ways to foster business-charity partnerships when it comes to tree planting charities. Business-charity relationships can easily be formed through corporate sponsorships, but also through employee involvement. Either way productive and meaningful relationships with charities can be developed to help make the world a greener place.
One of the most common ways of providing support is financially. Money always talks, and businesses can provide this support through donations, grants or sponsorships. But it doesn't always have to mean your company just signing a check. Companies can also encourage their employees to get involved in fundraising campaigns such as charity walks or runs, where staff can collect donations and pledges from friends and family with the funds going directly to the company's tree planting charity of choice. This approach is two-fold should a company be willing to “match” their employees fundraising efforts. This is a great way to support an honorable cause and improve employee-employer relationships in the workplace.
In today's society, there's more to making your business "green" than just using recycled paper. Today's business world has a Environmental Social Responsibility (CSR) to take responsibility for the impact it's had on the environment, and today ignoring such an important issue is just not modern thinking. Getting involved in environmental and sustainability issues demonstrates a company's commitment to change while helping employees, customers, and community get involved.
Getting Involved: Best Ways People Can Contribute To Their Community
As with all charities, if you'd like to personally get involved there's always the option of making a monetary donation. Charities rely on their supporters and donors to help finance their conservation efforts, and donating money is a wonderful way to get involved. The majority of tree planting charities give you the option of donating on a one-time, monthly or annual basis. Most offer a "Memorial Donation '' where the money you donate can plant a tree in the name of a family member in honor of their passing or for a special occasion such as a birthday, graduation or Mothers Day.
Online charities accept donations by debit or credit card and through other payment platforms such as PayPal and Venmo. Some organizations are even willing to accept cryptocurrency or accept "Legacy" donations via your will after you have passed away, be it financially or in assets. For those who like to do things in a more traditional way, bank transfers and personal cheques are always welcome. Your donation can help plant trees, restore ecosystems, and create a sustainable future for generations to come. But there are other great ways to donate to your charity of choice without making a monetary contribution.
Volunteering is a great way to get involved with tree planting charities and make a difference in your community. Various charities host tree-planting based events in different towns and cities where you can personally plant trees, or you can participate in a local clean-up and restore natural habitats after natural disasters, like forest fires, or flooding. Contacting tree planting charities to find out how you can get involved in your town or city is an excellent way to get your hands dirty and make a difference.
However, volunteering doesn't need to be limited to participating in planting events and donating money. You can be an advocate for tree planting and tree planting charities by spreading the word to friends and families and raising awareness. Educate yourself, attend seminars, and encourage friends, families and neighbors to do the same. Stay informed by signing up for newsletters, an following different charities through their social media platforms. Most importantly stay engaged in the ongoing conversation about climate change and environmental conservation and never forget that trees are our future.
• How do I verify the transparency and legitimacy of a tree planting charity?
One of the easiest ways to verify the legitimacy of a tree planting charity is checking third party websites that assign ratings such as Guidestar or Charity Navigator. These websites serve as databases where non-profit charities can register their profile and demonstrate their transparency by sharing financial reports as well as information regarding past results and future goals.
• Are there any local tree planting charities that focus on urban areas?
Yes! If you live in an urban area and would like to keep your donation dollars close to home there are many charities that focus specifically on tree planting and environmental conservation in local communities. Search online or through social media platforms for a tree planting charity near you or visit your city or towns governmental website to see what kind of projects are operating near you.
• What types of projects do top tree planting charities typically engage in besides planting trees?
Most tree planting charities are involved in much more than just planting trees. The majority of charities are engaged in other projects related to environmental sustainability and conservation such as promoting environmental awareness through education programs, as well as ecosystem restoration, watershed management and wildlife habitat conservation.
Start Fundraising