Paybee is the leader in nonprofit fundraising events with tools for virtual, hybrid and in-person events.
Organizing a silent auction? Discover tips and best practices to procure, set up, manage, and promote auction items. Learn how to use mobile bidding software like PayBee, create effective bid sheets and marketing materials, and encourage bidding and participation. Explore the benefits of silent auctions and how to handle checkout and payment. Start planning your successful silent auction today!
Nonprofit event ticketing systems provide organizations with the tools to organize their events, including creating landing pages for registration, setting up one-click email invites, and providing helpful guides for fundraising efforts.
Event ticketing is a critical aspect of running a successful nonprofit organization. Whether it's physical or virtual events, an efficient system is essential to be able to sell tickets, manage ticket sales, and keep track of registrations.
Silent auction bid sheets or a digital alternative? How mobile silent auction bidding solutions bridge the divide between traditional silent auctions and digital bidding
Follow a step-by-step process on how to create a 501(c)(3) charity donation receipt which is tax-compliant. This comprehensive guide includes tips, best practices, and FAQs to ensure you're following IRS guidelines and maximizing your tax-deductible donations. Introduction
Your Silent Auction display can make or break a fundraising event. Here are some tips to out your Silent Auction Items above the rest.