Jordan Thompson

Content Creator

Jordan is an author and copywriter in the home and family niche. Connect with her on Instagram ( ) and Indeed ( For copywriting inquiries contact her at

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Jordan Thompson

Creative and Effective Football Fundraising Ideas 

Looking for creative and effective football fundraising ideas? Discover a range of proven strategies to support your local football team. From traditional bake sales and car washes to innovative trivia nights and online auctions, these fundraising methods can help you meet your financial goals. Learn how to engage the community, leverage social media, and secure sponsorships. Whether you’re a player, parent, or coach, these ideas will help you raise the funds needed to keep the team thriving. Get started today and make your next football fundraiser a success!

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Church Live Streaming Software: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing and Implementing Church Live-Streaming Technology

Explore a comprehensive guide to choosing and implementing church live streaming software. Discover how churches of all sizes are embracing technology to connect with congregants virtually, bringing services into homes, cars, and hospital rooms for a seamless worship experience.

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Accounting for Churches: the Ins and Outs of Bookkeeping for Church Accounting 

Explore the unique challenges and principles of church accounting in this comprehensive guide. Learn why managing church finances differs from typical business practices, and discover ethical considerations, legal obligations, and practical tips for transparency and compliance. Whether you're starting a new church or enhancing financial management in your congregation, this article provides essential knowledge and resources to navigate church bookkeeping effectively.

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How to Get Donations from Companies- Everything You Need to Know about Getting Companies and Businesses to Donate to Your Nonprofit

Discover how to get donations from companies for your nonprofit with our comprehensive guide. Learn the ins and outs of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), identify potential donors, craft compelling proposals, and build lasting relationships with businesses. Plus, leverage digital tools and understand the tax and legal implications of corporate giving. Your roadmap to enhancing your nonprofit's impact through corporate partnerships starts here.

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Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Ideas: Everything You Need to Know for a Successful Peer Fundraiser

Maximize your impact with our concise guide on Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Ideas. Learn key strategies for successful fundraising, regardless of your budget, and discover how to harness your network and social media for community support. Start making a difference today!

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Cultivation Email vs Solicitation Email: Understanding the Differences for Effective Fundraising Emails

Discover the key differences between cultivation and solicitation emails in our insightful article. Learn how to craft effective fundraising emails that engage and inspire your donors, and understand when to use each approach for maximum impact in your nonprofit's fundraising strategy.

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